The Clarity Experience

Facilitate discovery, organizational alignment and priority mapping with intelligent success metrics for remarkable clarity.


To answer a single question that, when answered, will produce remarkable success.







Each member of the team to be fully present and participate in the Clarity Experience to:

  • Ensure all vital items are included
  • Dialogue the unspoken issues
  • Identify gaps and time for resolve
  • Experience flow and ownership
  • Clearly see the pathway to success


Clarity – Visibility of key issues and the priority list to establish a strategic plan that, when executed, turns the key question into a statement of success.

Alignment – Team understands the relationship of key issues to the action required to accomplish goals. New commitment to execution.

Action – Team culture advances and efficiency increases.  Activation of support to achieve measurable success.

The Clarity Experience has roots in the Japanese Hoshin, a disciplined strategic planning process that is largely unknown outside of Japan.

Hoshin significantly advanced through the work of American quality pioneer Dr. W. Edwards Deming post WWII.

Hoshin (Japanese HO = Method, and SHIN = Shiny star showing direction, like a compass)

Speed is the currency of business and the Hoshin approach unto itself needed to work quickly. The result: a simultaneous integration of all the issues surfaced during the Clarity Experience and a strategy to reach the organization’s aims, with the greatest efficiency (minimum waste) and maximum impact (focusing on the vital few rather than the trivial many) in the shortest possible cycle time.

The Clarity Experience combines accelerated learning techniques with inspiration from Dr. R. Buckminster Fuller and Dr. Edward Deming, resulting in the most powerful strategic planning tool available.

The Key Question…

serves as the brief and unlocks the experience should be agreed to by participating team members and circulated 5-days prior. Five-point Brief exchanged with leadership.

What are all the things that must be considered in order for us to

(be /achieve/create) ___________ by ___________.

Should contain a clear and specific goal intention

emotional driver EG “the best”

no “if” “ands” or “buts”

Examples: “Be the #1 car company in the world” (Toyota)

“Create a powerful content series to raise $6M by March 2024”


Decide on how many decision-making, insightful team members attend

Executive Leadership team?  (5-9)

How many consultants or partners?  (3-5)

Clarity Process Facilitators, One for 4 and under, Two for 5 or more


One Hour review for team

Two days prep for facilitator

Focused time commitment? Ideal  1.5 – 2 days

Ideal experience schedule: day one -2PM – 5PM, day two, 9AM – 4PM

Digital report within 3-days of experience

Two follow up meetings to support action steps

Round table(s), open space, best off-sight, in-person, low tech, low distraction, quiet mind, high-flow team dinner and lunch highly desired.
